Find the right meaning
Find the meaning of the 7 words displayed in different languages. Use the flashlight to reveal the clues hidden in the dark but don't get lost... time is ticking.
Click and hold to confirm your answer on the bottom of the screen and move to the next level!
Click and hold to confirm your answer on the bottom of the screen and move to the next level!
Find the right meaning
You need to discover the meaning of each word before the time runs out. Use the clues around the map to help you translate! Watch out there are creatures lurking in the dark!
Submit your score to donate:
100$ to the NGO of your choice
75$ to the NGO of your choice
50$ to the NGO of your choice
Weglot will donate accordingly to an NGO sending magician in hospitals for children
Submit your score to donate:
100$ to the NGO of your choice
75$ to the NGO of your choice
50$ to the NGO of your choice
Weglot will donate accordingly to an NGO sending magician in hospitals for children
Want to know your ranking?
Compare your score to those of the Webflow community. Submit your details to find out if you are on the podium, and become the ultimate translation magician!
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Thank you for playing! Click the button below to play again, or discover more about Weglot
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Webflow Conference
This magical experience is brought to you by Weglot and Refokus.
In an effort to always be as inclusive as possible for people who cannot participate in the Webflow Conf 2022 physically, website translation solution Weglot and Europe's first Webflow Enterprise Partners agency Refokus have joined forces to bring you this Webflow-made game.
We hope you enjoy it and that we get the chance to meet at the Webflow Conf or at a future event soon.
In an effort to always be as inclusive as possible for people who cannot participate in the Webflow Conf 2022 physically, website translation solution Weglot and Europe's first Webflow Enterprise Partners agency Refokus have joined forces to bring you this Webflow-made game.
We hope you enjoy it and that we get the chance to meet at the Webflow Conf or at a future event soon.
Refokus is a full-service Webflow agency, designing and developing brands and websites that empower growth. We partner with ambitious brands to create meaningful connections, push boundaries, and grow together.
Strategy - building a reliable brand foundation.
Design - fortifying the connection between brand and customer.
Development - pushing boundaries and setting new standards.
We partnered with Weglot to create this magical experience, showing the power of the Webflow platform.
Just like magic, make your website multilingual with Weglot. Instant translation, no code and 100+ languages to choose from, get your website translated, displayed and live in minutes. Weglot allows you to reach new audiences with high quality translated content (thanks to full editing control) that’s also optimized to drive the traffic and conversion of your site.
Simple and quick integration on Webflow and any other technos
Automatic, Human and Professional translation
Optimized for multilingual SEO
The goal of a game like this is to have fun and, instead of offering you another tech item you just don’t need, we’ve taken a different approach to spread the joy with as many people as possible!
The top 3 scorers will win the right to donate to the charity of their choice, with all donations covered by Weglot:
1st player: $1000 donation
2nd player: $750 donation
3rd player: $500 donation
Weglot will also donate the same prize money to the association ‘Make a Wish France’, whose goal is to create joy, happiness and magical memories through life-changing wishes for children aged from 3 to 18 with critical illnesses.
We hope that the magic of this game made by Weglot x Refokus will bring smiles beyond the Webflow community!
The top 3 scorers will win the right to donate to the charity of their choice, with all donations covered by Weglot:
1st player: $1000 donation
2nd player: $750 donation
3rd player: $500 donation
Weglot will also donate the same prize money to the association ‘Make a Wish France’, whose goal is to create joy, happiness and magical memories through life-changing wishes for children aged from 3 to 18 with critical illnesses.
We hope that the magic of this game made by Weglot x Refokus will bring smiles beyond the Webflow community!
Modal: How to Play
Modal: How to Play (In game)
Modal: Registration
Modal: Won
Modal: Lost
Modal: Webflow Conf
Modal: Refokus
Modal: Weglot
Modal: Prizes
Modal: Close
hold to confirm
What word is
Weglot Like Magic
like Magic
Its a word
Tłumaczenie jest kluczem
Übersetzung ist der Schlüssel
Its a word
A tradução é a chave
A tradução é a chave
A tradução é a chave
Its a word
House keys
The City by the Bay
Incredible Story
Golden Gate
Expecto Patronum
Sword, Box and Illusion
Supernatural Powers
Black magic
Translate, Display and Manage
Component Library
Web Agency
Get it done
Doesn't make sense
Harry Houdini
White magic
Webflow Conf
Speed Build Challenge
Multilingual Website
No Code
Great Magician
Wingardium Leviosa
Card Trick
Harry Potter
No idea on this one
Translation is useless
A magic book
Just do it
Launch, build and design
Nasty website
Playing cards
Magic Trick
Fantastic movie
Hot bread
Amazing website
Дивовижний сайт
Situs web yang luar biasa
Un sito straordinario
Increíble página web
You're building it with Webflow
Fantastisk hjemmeside
Magic Wand
Baguette Magique
The stick used by magician
Čarobna palica
An illusion
Uma ilusão
Eine Illusion
A belief that is not true
O iluzie
The magician hide it in his hat
Design, build and launch
עיצוב, בנייה והשקה
Projekteerimine, ehitamine ja käivitamine
Progettazione, realizzazione e lancio
Diseñar, construir y lanzar
The smooth Webflow process
Tasarla, kur, yayınla
Made in Webflow
Κατασκευασμένο σε Webflow
Hergestellt in Webflow
Realizzato in Webflow
Fabriqué sur Webflow
Your favorite hashtag
Valmistatud Webflow's
Translation is the key
Tłumaczenie jest kluczem
Übersetzung ist der Schlüssel
A tradução é a chave
La traduction est la clé
The message of this game
अनुवाद महत्वपूर्ण है

Play from your computer!
For the full gaming experience please visit this site on your desktop to discover the magic of translation and a chance to win one of 3 prizes
About weglot
About Refokus
about webflow conf.